By Nelly Samaniego:
The mission of the Diversity Committee of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) is to increase civic engagement and participation in our local minority communities. Our mission is to get more minorities familiar with the electoral process as well as getting them involved with the FCDC.
The Diversity Committee promotes and supports Democrats running for local and state positions. We introduce them to the communities in every event we host or participate. Our purpose is to elect more Democrats in office.

We were relentless and tried to boost voter turnout in the Nov. 3, 2020, General Election. The pandemic did not stop us. Moreover, the duty to reach our communities filled us with courage. We went out to get the vote, and fight for democracy.
We spoke to minority voters around Fairfax, the Muslim community, South Asia community, Latino Community, African community, and the African American community. Lastly, we sent text messages in various languages. Moreover, we did a print publication in Spanish in The Americas News newspaper and 40,000 copies were distributed in Northern Virginia, Richmond and in rural counties.
We participated in caravans driving the message to African American communities in Falls Church, Annandale and Alexandria. I thank the members and volunteers who played a very important role in this past general election.
TOP PHOTO: Diversity Committee members make a difference in early voting centers.
Nelly Samaniego is Chair of the Diversity Committee, President of the United Hands of America; Advisory Board Member of the Society for the Enrichment of Asia and Founding Board Member of the Justice Educational Fund.
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